Solar X-Rays used to cause Seismic Event in Japan for Godzilla P.R. 37 skidoo

Summary: Rome antics fire X-Rays from the Sun, causing Eq in Japan. Sun being weaponized. Globalists gang tag crime scene using Romantic symbols.

Notice the timestamp of the incoming Tsunami Warning
is 2:24 when received

πŸ“”Godzilla Minus One”

Crescent πŸŒ™πŸŒ›πŸŒœ

N 37.5 E 137.2 (both 37, minus one)

37 / 73 is 74 minus one

7.4 7th letter G 4th letter D G.d(zilla)

Media Changed to 7.6(Capricorn)πŸͺβ±οΈ

πŸ“Depth 0 miles 0 kilometers = Surface

πŸ“Honshu, phonetic relative of Khonshu

πŸ“Moon deity, holding a Bident, not a trident

Godzilla’s 69th Anniversary

πŸ“69 β™‹πŸ¦€ Zodiac governed by the Moon

Sun on the East Horizon
X-Ray from the Sun

The 0 depth of the recorded seismic event is suggestive of the cause NOT being an eq.

Godzilla firing radioactive (X-Ray) light at Japan

37 again, 379 survive plane crash after tsunami

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